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Free Money Saving Tips Shut-Off Valve Plumbing Tips

Employee1Save time and money on your plumbing repairs with our free money saving tips. The free money saving tips will help you to understand your plumbing system. You’ll avoid expensive and unnecessary repair bills.


Shut Off Valve

Locate and know where your shut off valve is. The shut off valve controls the water service to your home.

The fastest way to control a serious leak is to stop the flow of water into your home. Water damage will lead to further repair costs. The shut-off valve for your water service line will stop the flow of water. 

The shut off valve is normally located in two places. Inside your garage where the water service line enters your home or just outside your garage.  Once you locate the shut-off valve, mark it with a visible color. This includes fluorescent tape or spray paint. If you can’t shut it off, you can tell someone else what to look for.

Let your family members know where the shut-off valve is.  Don’t know where your shut off valve is? Your expert plumber will turn off your shut-off valve and tag it for free.


MaleCustomerServPageMore Helpful Plumbing Tips

Learn more money saving tips on plumbing, here.

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