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Septic Pump Repair Des Moines


Homes which are not connected to public sewers usually depend on septic systems to treat and dispose wastewater. Septic tank holds wastewater to allow solid particles to settle as sludge. The oil and grease in the waste water float on surface as scum. Sludge, oils and grease have tendency to clog septic tank, pump and drains.

Clogging hampers functioning of septic pump giving advance indications like:

  • Odors
  • Sluggish drainage
  • Septic tank backups
  • Gurgling sounds in septic system

In addition, if lush green grass in the drain field area appears, it is time to go for septic pump repair. Septic pump repair is highly technical, tedious and a filthy job and requires services of expert plumbers.

Beacon Plumbing offers technical services for septic pump repair to Des Moines, WA residents. Besides septic pump repairs, we also repair float switches, septic tank alarms and control panels.

Our plumbers provide unmatched services for septic pump repair in Des Moines using the latest equipment and techniques.

Septic Sewer Pump Alarm Des Moines


Septic tank system is provided with septic sewer pump alarm to warn homeowners about possibility of effluent backups. A float switch tethered in tank, keeps floating up and down. When water level reaches a certain level, float activates alarm to inform that tank running on full capacity or pump failure.

Commonly installed septic sewer pump alarm are:

  • Pedestal septic tank alarms
  • Indoor/Outdoor septic tank alarms
  • Puck/Puddle Sensor alarm

Our tech-savvy plumbers specialize in installing Wireless/Wi-Fi enabled septic sewer pump alarm. We provide our immaculate septic sewer pump alarms services to Des Moines residents.

Des Moines Sewer Pump Replacement


Usually, a well installed and maintained septic pump provides years of reliable yet low-cost service. Malfunctioning or breakdown of septic pump mostly occurs due to clogging of septic tank, pump and drains which calls for sewer pump replacement.

Invariably, inadequate pump capacity also necessitates sewer pump replacement. We are fully equipped for sewer pump replacement and provide same day services. For sewer pump replacement, our technology driven plumbers:

  • Provide 24×7 emergency services
  • Maintain high standards of achievements
  • Adhere to plumbing norms

We being licensed, bonded and insured company undertake sewer pump replacement at most comparable charges in Des Moines. Owing to our unparallel customer care, we are among most recommended companies for sewer pump replacement.

For septic pump repair, septic sewer pump alarms and sewer pump replacement in Des Moines, call Beacon Plumbing at 206-452-1220

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