Same Day Service (206) 452-3130

Electrician Shoreline • Beacon Plumbing Since 1999


Even if you think you can handle small electric repair job,s you should not try doing them yourself. Whether it is something as small as fixing a power outlet or big as securing electric cables, it should all be done by professionals who have the right resources to handle such dangerous requirements.

For this, you can get in touch with our electrical contractors at Beacon Plumbing. Our electricians in Shoreline, WA can handle different types of residential electric repair jobs easily.

Why you should hire a reliable electrician like ours’ for your Shoreline property?

  • To get the job completed successfully
  • So there is no further damage done
  • Make sure electric codes are implemented

Electrical Contractor Shoreline


One of the first qualities of our residential electricians is that they are insured individuals. This means they can take up the most complex and dangerous electric jobs with ease and complete it successfully. The other reason why you should hire our electrical contractors is that they are always available and can even be hired in case of an emergency.

Apart from this, all our residential electricians have verified backgrounds which means you won’t have to worry about a total stranger walking into your house. Therefore, getting in touch with Beacon Plumbing to know more about our electrical contractors available in the area is highly recommended.

Qualities and factors that make our electrical contractors the best in the Shoreline area.

  • Highly experienced
  • Factory trained
  • Licensed and certified

Residential Electricians Shoreline


Even though your residential property might not require heavy electrical work every now and then, there are small things that come up often. This can include anything from rewiring to fixing a switch. For this, you can give our electrical contractors a call anytime. Our residential electricians will make sure that your electric work is completed as soon as possible so that it does not put a hold on your day to day life.

Besides, even if you want to hire our residential electrician for a newly constructed property, then that too it is possible by getting in touch with the Beacon Plumbing. We will send our electrical contractors to the desired location, so that, they can analyze the exact requirement and provide you with an estimate.

Types of services for which you can hire our residential electricians in Shoreline.

  • AC repair and installation
  • Heating system services
  • Relining electric connections

If you would like to hire our residential electricians in Shoreline today, then give us a call at Beacon Plumbing by using the number 206) 452-3130.

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